MAPC Presbyterian Heritage Pilgrimage to Scotland 

Here’s How to Follow Along!

Hello MAPC Friends,

I am resurrecting my blog that I kept during my fall 2022 sabbatical pilgrimage so that those who are interested can follow along with the MAPC folks that will be on the Scotland pilgrimage 12-21 July. Here is the link to the first post: 

To see future posts, simply go to 

Below is a traditional prayer from the Gaelic to bless all our journeys.

In Christ,
Beverly Bartlett 

Journey Blessing

Bless to me, O God, 
The earth beneath my foot,
Bless to me, O God, 
The path whereon I go;
Bless to me, O God, 
The thing of my desire; 
Thou Evermore of evermore, 
Bless Thou to me my rest. 
Bless to me the thing 
Whereon is set my mind,
Bless to me the thing 
Whereon is set my love;
Bless to me the thing 
Whereon is set my hope; 
O Thou King of kings 
Bless Thou to me mine eye! 
— The Sun Dances: Prayers and Blessings from the Gaelic”, Alexander Carmichael (Edinburgh: Floris Press, 1960.)

MAPC’s Racial Justice Task Force Seneca Village Walking Tour 


Racial Justice Task Force Movie Night