Year End Giving - Business Office Closing December 29 at 5 pm

This is our annual reminder of the IRS rules concerning year-end contributions of cash and securities. In general, the delivery date determines the year in which a contribution can be claimed as a deduction. Checks mailed with a postmark of December 31, 2023, or earlier, or hand-delivered by December 31, 2023, will be credited as a contribution in 2023. Please Note: The Church House and Business Office will close at 5 pm on December 29! Please contact our Director of Finance and Administration, John Clemmer, by December 28, if you wish to make a contribution or need assistance in making one. After January 1, 2024, contributions will be credited as contributions for 2024. 

For gifts of securities, the date of mailing is the delivery date; if hand-delivered, the date of receipt by the charity is the delivery date. When securities are delivered from a donor's bank or broker, the delivery date is the date the securities are transferred to the charity.

Your broker can make year-end gifts of securities directly to the church’s account with: 

Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.  
Fifth Avenue Financial Center
75 Rockefeller Plaza, 2nd fl 
New York, NY 10019
Tel: (212) 415-7403 Fax: (646) 719-0893

DTC Number: 8862
Account Name: Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church (Tax I.D. Number 13-1624076)
ACCT Number: IIA 885-04B01

Please note that you can also make your year-end gifts online through our website at

Thank you for your generous support of the many missions and ministries of Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church!


Call for Donations - Christmas Poinsettias


Advent + Christmas at MAPC