Movie Night at MAPC
Movie Night at MAPC January 13th, 6:30 pm!
Our Racial Justice Task Force is screening the movie “Till” at MAPC this Friday evening, January 13th, starting with dinner (pizza, salad, dessert, beverages) at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. We know you are passionate about or interested in this cause and imagine you are interested in seeing this important film and having an opportunity to briefly discuss it after the showing. There is not a charge for this event. Donations will however be gladly received.
You might be interested to read Rick Ufford-Chase’s ( the RJTF Consultant and Co-Founder of Center for Jubilee Practices) thoughts on recently viewing the movie:
If you're like me, you have this gut feeling that you "should" watch the movie Till, and a head and heart response that makes you kind of dread taking responsibility for an event that you are vaguely at least societally (I know that's not a word) or culturally ashamed of. My wife and I knew we needed to watch it together, and that we needed to summon spiritual energy and take it in at a time when we had the emotional space to wrestle with its content honestly. We chose an afternoon over the Christmas holiday to do so.
And here's what I can share. The content is as difficult as one might expect. I highly recommend that everyone see it - and that you do so with friends who care about these issues the way you do and are willing to share their feelings afterward. The movie does not depict graphic acts of violence, but it does insist that we look at the mutilation of Emmett Till's body - just the same way that Emmett Till's mother, Marnie Carthan Till-Mobley, insisted that the country do so when he was brutally murdered in Mississippi in August of 1955. This is really Emmett Till's mother's story, and it is one that all of us - especially those of us who are White - should be willing to look at unflinchingly as an example of the acts of courage we are still called to in 2023.
The Racial Justice Task Force of MAPC has created an opportunity that I hope all will consider. This is what it means to be church in our time!
Your presence matters, and your thoughts matter. Won’t you join in and if you can, bring a family member or friend?
Sign up here for this free (donations accepted) event so we’ll know how much food to order.