Summer Choir

You are invited to sing on Sundays during the summer at MAPC! Our Summer Choir provides an opportunity for church members and friends to sing some beautiful choral music together as leaders of worship. Beginning Sunday, June 5, and continuing through Sunday, July 31, the Summer Choir will meet on Sunday mornings for a rehearsal in the Choir Room at 9:20 am in preparation for our 10:30 am services. Please click here to peruse the list of choral music we will sing each week.

All that is required is attending the rehearsal on the Sunday(s) for which you would like to sing. There is no regular commitment and a choir robe will be provided. All those who wish to sing in the choirs at the church must show proof of vaccination for COVID-19 and masks must be worn in the Choir Room and in the chancel. 

For further information, please contact Andrew Henderson at


Hear April Sing at Carnegie Hall!


Women’s Gathering