Fall Adult Education Offerings

Here is what’s coming up this fall for Adult Education offerings. We are starting right off in September, so please mark your calendars! 

The Adult Education Committee has put together a series of classes covering various aspects of the Reformation, specifically our Presbyterian history and identity. The Rev. Dr. Fred R. Anderson, Pastor Emeritus, will kick off this series, on September 22nd, with a Discipleship Luncheon lecture on John Calvin.

The adult education series continues on Wednesday evenings in October with a few additional Discipleship Luncheon dates below:

  • The Rev. Dr. Fred R. Anderson, Pastor Emeritus, will kick off this series with a lecture on John Calvin.

  • The Racial Justice Task Force will screen and lead a discussion on the Oscar-nominated documentary short,“The Barber of Little Rock”

  • The Huguenots – Elder Courtney Howard

  • John Knox and Scottish Presbyterianism –
    Rev. Dr. Aaron Janklow

  • Presbyterian Controversies and Schisms: How They Shaped the Church and Influenced American Culture –
    Elder Curtis Field

  • The Rev. Beverly Bartlett will talk about Celtic Christianity and Spirituality

  • Presbyterian Church Governance –
    Rev. Stephen Phelps

  • Rev. Bartlett will lead a session on Advent Spirituality 


Fall Fellowship Evening


Senior Lunch