Monday Evening Bible Study - February Update

This coming Monday, February 28, the Monday Evening Bible Study will finish its discussion of Women and Paul.  The Rev. Chesna Hinkley will lead us in a discussion of 1 Timothy 2:8-15, 1 Timothy 5:1-2, and the book of Titus.  We meet at 7 pm by Zoom.  The link will be sent out in the Sunday morning email. 

In March we will meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, March 7 and 21, and will be looking at women in the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament).

The group meets at 7pm by Zoom on January 10 | January 24 | February 14 | February 28th

The Zoom link will be sent out with the weekly links on Sunday morning.


Anti-Racism Discussion Group - January Update


Christmas Eve Announcement