MAPC’s Racial Justice Task Force Movie Night; Friday, February 2nd

Come begin the observance of Black History Month by joining in the next RJTF movie night on Friday, February 2nd at 6 pm in the Parish Hall. We will screen 13th, Director Ava Du Vernay’s film addressing the U.S. Constitution’s 13th Amendment, and the consequences of its built-in loophole for Black citizens.

Black people today are 13.6% of the U.S. population, yet make up nearly 40% of the prison population. The growth of the prison system began shortly after the end of the American Civil War, when enslaved persons were declared free yet their labor was still desperately needed by their former enslavers.

Come, register here and join us for dinner at 6 pm, followed by the movie at 6:30, and discussion following. There is a lot to ponder--let’s do it together!


Discipleship Luncheon, Sunday, January 21st


Friday Night Fireside Jazz, January 26th, from 6 to 9 pm