Holy Week at MAPC

Maundy Thursday

7:00 pm | Service of Word & Sacrament at the table with food + fellowship in Parish Hall, April Martin preaching

Good Friday

12:00 pm | Service of Devotion with Meditations on the Passion According to John

  • Gethsemane, Jesus Before Caiphas & Peter’s Denial - The Rev. Chesna E. Hinkley

  • Jesus Before Pilate & the Crowd - The Rev. Jon D. Rodriguez

  • Crucifixion, Death, & Burial - The Rev. Beverly A. Bartlett

Choral Music by Alice Parker, Howard Helvey & Antonio Lotti


4:30 pm | Good Friday Family Service - an interactive, family-friendly Passiontide service especially for children


7:30 pm | Service of Tenebrae, Choral Music by Chilcott, Sanders & Stainer

Easter Sunday

10:30 am | Festival Service of Word & Sacrament, The Rev. Dr. J. Patrick Vaughn preaching

Choral music by Elgar, Handel & Stanford + works for Trumpets, Timpani & Organ

11:30 am | Easter Egg Hunt + Festive Coffee Hour on Roof Garden


Monday Evening Bible Study, May 9th at 7 pm, The Book of Esther


One Thing I Am Sure …