Festive Fellowship Hour

Come say farewell and thank you to Dick and Barbara Iverson for their many years of ministry, October 29th, immediately following morning worship.

Dick and Barbara Iverson will soon be moving out of NYC, and we cannot let them go without a chance to say thank you and farewell.  The Iversons have been leaders of this congregation since joining MAPC 56 years ago. They both have served as elders, on search committees, on mission review committees, and chaired and served on various other committees.  Dick was also a trustee and chaired the buildings and grounds committee for many years. We can honestly say that this congregation would not be as vital as it is if the Iversons had not been here!  Come celebrate them and say farewell at fellowship hour this coming Sunday, October 29th.


The Hood Library at MAPC:  Recent Acquisitions


Fall Fellowship Gatherings