Discipleship Lunch | Special Advent Speaker

December 10 | 12:15 pm | Parish Hall

Beholding the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ: A Reformed Spirituality of the Beatific Vision | Suzanne McDonald, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Western Seminary. As we approach Christmas, we contemplate a great mystery in the human face of the incarnate God. Traditionally, the beatific vision is understood as the intellectual apprehension of God experienced by the redeemed in glory – and the idea of reflecting on it might seem like a classic case of being so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly use. This talk will focus on John Owen’s Reformed approach to the doctrine, which aims to help us encounter the beauty and love of Christ now, seeking to transform our discipleship in anticipation of eternal communion. Follow up on the Fall Theology Class or discover something new! Lunch will be served. Contact ceh@mapc.com with questions or to request childcare.


Advent + Christmas at MAPC


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