Discipleship Lunch; March 17 after worship | Taught by Rev. Dr. Fred Anderson

A Contemporary, Ecumenical, and Biblical Look at Baptism and theLord’s Supper

Have you ever been curious about our practice of weekly communion, unusual for Presbyterians?

John Calvin declared that worship was not authentically Christian unless the Word was preached and the sacraments “administered” each Lord’s Day. On the other hand, there were (and still are) those who insist the sacraments are too “special” and would become common, mundane, and routine if observed weekly. And of course, there are those who receive daily – generally monks and priests, but also some lay Christians, especially in mission communities.

The controversy over baptism and the Lord’s Supper, so divisive in the Reformation, is now a matter of history. An ecumenical consensus (not uniformity!) has emerged in the last 75 years as we seek to understand baptism and the Lord’s Supper biblically rather than doctrinally. Join us to discover why the sacraments are so central to authentic Christian worship and living as Christ’s disciples in the world. Lunch will be served. Contact Chesna at ceh@mapc.com with questions.


Stations of the Cross & Labyrinth Walk; March 30 | Noon - 2


The Hood Library at MAPC: Recent Acquisitions