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Rev. Dr. Aaron Janklow
Senior Pastor & Head of Staff

Dr. Aaron P. Janklow started as Senior Pastor and Head of Staff at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church on May 1, 2023. Moving to New York City from the Royal Poinciana Chapel in Palm Beach, FL, where he served as Executive Pastor since 2017, Aaron has extensive ministerial and administrative experience. He is excited to immerse himself in the church and city.

Aaron earned his Ph.D. in Theological Ethics at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, he became an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), certifying that he meets national standards of teaching excellence in the United Kingdom. In addition, Aaron has presented at numerous academic conferences, including the University of Edinburgh, Durham University, Aberdeen University, and the University of Oxford, and published sermons and book reviews in academic journals.

Concurrently with his Ph.D. program, Aaron served at St. Giles Cathedral from 2012 to 2017, where John Knox led the Scottish Reformation in the 1500s. At St. Giles, located in the heart of Edinburgh on the Royal Mile, Aaron became part of the religious and civic life of Scotland and the United Kingdom. Aaron also served at the First Presbyterian Church of Delray Beach, FL, and the First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor, MI.

Aaron earned his Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2007, where he was awarded the Presbyterian Leadership Award, and earned his Bachelor of Arts at Temple University, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the Honors Program. Aaron was also awarded the McFarland Scholarship of the St. Andrew’s Society of Philadelphia to study at the University of Edinburgh from 2002 to 2003.

In addition to his heart for parish ministry, a love of preaching, and being invited into the lives of those in the church and community, Aaron is passionate about mission and outreach. Most recently, Aaron served on the Board of Directors of CROS (Christians Reaching Out to Society) Ministries and has volunteered with numerous organizations, including Best Buddies, which he describes as one of his most meaningful experiences in Edinburgh. For five years, Aaron volunteered as a one-to-one buddy and participated in a group event every week. Further, Aaron has participated and led mission trips domestically and around the world, and served in ministry in Fortaleza, Brazil. Aaron also completed a chaplaincy internship at New York Presbyterian Hospital, which has informed his pastoral care. 

Aaron’s wife, Laurel, is a wonderful support in ministry, and they love being parents to their daughter, Lyla. Together, they love exploring the city. Aaron is also an avid tennis player.