Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church

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Singing at MAPC

The Church Choir will resume singing for our 10:30 am services on Sunday, September 8, after a brief summer hiatus. The full-season schedule of liturgical choral music will soon be available and in the Narthex and Church Lobby literature racks.

Are you interested in singing with the Church Choir, or our choral society, the Saint Andrew Chorale? The Church Choir sings anthems and provides musical leadership for our Sunday worship services and special liturgies at Christmas and during Holy Week from September through May. The Saint Andrew Chorale sings three concerts as a part of the Saint Andrew Music Society concert season, joined by orchestras and accompanied by professional instrumentalists.

Rehearsals for both the Church Choir and Saint Andrew Chorale resume on Thursday, September 5. If you are interested in finding out more about singing in our choirs, visit the Choirs page on our website, or contact Andrew Henderson by e-mail at, or by phone at 212-288-8920.