Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church

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RJTF | Summer Movie Nights

The Racial Justice Task Force invites you to Movie Nights at MAPC this summer.  To accommodate out-of-town weekend plans, the summer Movie Nights will be on Wednesdays rather than Fridays. 

We will be screening segments of The 1619 Project. The 1619 Project was first published in 2019, 400 years after the first Africans were brought as slaves to the United States. The project has appeared in book, podcast, and live event formats, and now, as a multi-episode documentary which we will be viewing together this summer.

On Wednesday July 26th we will screen the episode entitled “Fear”, and on August 16th we will watch the final segment on “Justice”. We will meet at 6:30 pm for pizza, salad, goodies and beverages, and at 7 watch the film. Then we’ll have an opportunity for discussion before we head home.

Each segment is “stand-alone” so please join in when you can. Those of you who can attend each one are beginning to understand the power of the entirety. 

Please come join in – your presence and your thoughts make us all richer!