Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church

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New Website Tutorial

By Jon Rodriguez - Pastoral Resident for Communications & Evangelism

Most of my time this summer was spent building MAPC’s new website from the ground up. The staff made the decision to update and improve our website to better serve the congregation and meet the needs of those who may want to join our church. With these goals in mind, I have tried to establish a web presence that communicates who MAPC is: a loving, intellectual, artistic, and mission-minded group of believers.

However, change is hard. Technological change can be especially difficult as we come to rely more on our tablets and phones for communicating about important church news and updates. In light of this, I have put together a brief tutorial that covers six functions of the new website.

  1. Accessing the membership directory

  2. Accessing the live stream

  3. Accessing the giving portal for tithes and donations

  4. Viewing the Calendar

  5. Viewing News articles

  6. Using the Contact form

The website continues to be a work in progress. Many members have already submitted valuable feedback that has improved the new website. Please reach out to me directly with any comments or questions. Also - look forward to an announcement regarding live Zoom sessions where I will be available to answer your technical questions directly.