Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church

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MAPC’s Racial Justice Task Force Seneca Village Walking Tour 

Saturday, September 21 at 11 am

Have you found yourself intrigued by the Seneca Village markers in Central Park? Here is your chance to learn more about this former African American community!

The MAPC Racial Justice Task Force will sponsor a Seneca Village Walking Tour in Central Park on Saturday, September 21st at 11 am. The tour will be led by guides from the Central Park Conservancy. 

Seneca Village was a community of free African American land/property owners located in what today is the western area of Central Park between 82nd and 89th Streets. When the Park was established, eminent domain was used to clear Seneca Village. Its residents were displaced, and the community was largely forgotten until 1990s research began a wave of interest in recognizing this vibrant community. 

Here is the Conservancy’s description:

The Conservancy advises there will be inclines and rough terrain that may not be suitable for guests with mobility concerns. The tour will be 90 minutes. Please dress comfortably. We will likely stroll over to Columbus Avenue for coffee or lunch after the tour.

The Racial Justice Task Force is sponsoring a generous portion of this tour. Participants are asked to register and contribute $25 via this link. Registration is limited to 15 people. We can hardly wait to greet you on September 21st for this significant and fun tour!