Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church

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Guest Speaker: Mark Tidsworth

For several decades churches in America have been hemorrhaging members. Enthusiasm has waned, and participation has dropped. 

Some have pointed to the rise of Sunday morning soccer as a contributing factor. Others lament the stances on social issues that various mainline denominations have adopted. These and many other explanations, however, simply miss the mark. They do not account for the seismic shifts that have impacted our society over the past few generations.

In his aptly named book, Shift, Mark Tidsworth helps us understand these transitions and to see in them opportunities to grow in faith. The author of several books on the church in the 21st century, Mark brings his considerable experience as a pastor, therapist, coach and consultant to bear on the challenges that congregations across the country are facing. He currently serves as the President of Pinnacle Leadership Associates.

On Sunday, October 31 Mark will teach at 9:00am, preach during morning worship, and, then, he will offer a presentation after the service. This will include time for questions and discussion. 

To prepare for Mark’s time with us, I invite you to join with me in discussing Shift. We will meet via Zoom on Monday evening from 7:00pm until 8:00pm on October 11 and October 25. We will then meet on November 8 and November 22 to complete our exploration of his book and to reflect on his presentations.

You can order his book from Amazon by clicking the image above.

While you do not need to register in advance to participate in these evening conversions, it would be helpful to have an idea of how many will attend. If you plan to join us, please RSVP to Lissette with your name. 

Please use these links to join the meeting. We will also send links to join these sessions on the Sunday before each meeting.

I look forward to sharing this time with you!

Grace and peace,
