Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church

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Christmas Joy Special Offering

From PC(USA) Special Offerings:

During this Advent Season, we are called to support the Christmas Joy Offering, to celebrate God’s perfect gift and open doors for those we might not be able to meet face to face, but who need the support that our gifts provide.

We support the potential of students of color who are becoming leaders in our churches and communities as we seek to come alongside them, to encourage and to open doors.  And we support church workers and their families who encounter critical financial needs as we come alongside them, to assist them — we open doors for them. We thank God for being “with us” through the gift of Jesus and for joining us together as the Church and, through our gifts, with those who have need.

The story of God, as we tell it, is not about a barrier, but about a gift. It’s not about the separation, but about the gift of “being with.” Please give generously to the Christmas Joy Offering, in celebration of God’s perfect gift to us. Give because it brings us together, to open doors of relief and opportunity and to relationships that are part of God’s story, a part of God’s perfect gift to us.

Our gifts reflect our generous God. Our gifts support leaders in our Church and world — past, present and future.